About the Tribunal

Bearing in mind that serious allegations had been raised concerning discrimination, bullying, harassment, physical torture, physical assault, psychological harm, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct within the Defence Forces, the Government established a non-statutory Independent Review Group (IRG) to examine these issues and to provide recommendations and guidance to the Minister for Defence on measures required to underpin a workplace based on dignity, equality, care and respect for every member within the Defence Forces. 

The IRG’s first recommendation was the establishment of a statutory fact-finding process to identify systemic failures, if any, in the Defence Forces’ complaints’ system, in order to ensure accountability and transparency.

Following a resolution of Dáil Éireann on the 24th day of January 2024 and of Seanad Éireann on the 30th day of January 2024, the Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, on the 20th day of June 2024, by instrument pursuant to the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Acts 1921 to 2011, established this Tribunal of Inquiry to inquire into definite matters of urgent public importance 

Ms Justice Ann Power, a Judge of the Court of Appeal, was appointed as the Sole Member of the Tribunal. 

Subject Matter of the Inquiry

The Tribunal is tasked with inquiring, urgently, into a range of matters pertaining to the effectiveness of the complaints processes and the culture within the Defence Forces relating to complaints of abuse.  Abuse means discrimination, bullying, harassment, physical torture, physical assault, psychological harm, sexual harassment and any form of sexual misconduct.  Investigating the nature and performance of the statutory role of the Minister for Defence /Department of Defence in the systems and procedures for dealing with complaints of abuse is also part of the Tribunal’s remit.  Additionally, the Tribunal is to investigate the response to complaints in respect of the use of hazardous chemicals—within Air Corps’ headquarters at Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel—and to consider the adequacy of the complaints processes in the light of such response. 

Period of Investigation

The Tribunal is charged with investigating the matters provided for in its Terms of Reference from 1 January 1983 until the date of its establishment.


The Tribunal shall endeavour to complete its work no later than three years from the date of its establishment.